Thursday, 16 July 2009


These two stones set on a tumulus on Sneaton moor mark a parish boundary. The boundaries were often marked out along the lines of natural features and ancient man made structures, such as crosses and tumuli.

The stone on the left is inscribed 'SNEATON LIBERTY ASSIZES 1784'. This photo was taken looking in the direction of Pickering.

Looking towards Whitby, the other stone reads 'Goathland Boundary Determined at York Assizes 1818'.

This map shows the parish boundaries as they were before 1832 when the Civil Parishes started coming into being. The approximate site of the stones is marked by a red dot. The large parish that borders Sneaton is Pickering.

1 comment:

  1. Love the stones, as they clearly love each other. Do you think they would like to be part of a single local authority for Moors, Coast, Hills, Whitby and Coastal Waters as A Unitary National Park Authority; for the maintenance of landscape, heritage, culture and traditional and sustainable lifestyles? As submitted to Local Government Selector under Sustainable Communities Act 2007 and Marine Reserve Act 2009.
