Wednesday, 2 July 2008


James Wales the songwriter has emerged from under the cover versions with a brand, some might say spanking, new MySpace page.

So far, there are two tracks. The first is what you'd expect from the pen of a Yabb: a fast-paced howl of small-town anguish ("I'm stuck inside my life again...") called Bring It Down. It's great, as indeed it has to be, because everyone writes songs about how crappy it is to be young, under-valued, frustrated, with acne and permanently aching boy-marbles. To the man's credit, it sounds both real and melodic. Hats off.

The second track is... well, how many of you remember when every band in the world claimed to have (and to have always had) A Dance Element In Their Music? Well, Walesy didn't do that. He just made a big, boingy dance track with lots of dubby spaces, called it Bang Bang (rather than Big Boing) and then blamed his 6th form music teacher for making him write something from "outside the comfort zone." I want to hear more of this, much more. How far outside the comfort zone can the man Wales go?


  1. Sorry, can't be doing with exclamation marks. Impressive work getting the picture up though. Ruthlessly efficient.

    Some great postings by the way.

  2. Cheers for the write up Jon. Muchly appreciated. Thought it was about time I showed my creative side!! It won't come all out at once. Just bit by bit until in a couple of years everyone is sick of the sight, and sound of me!!
